My Digital Detox Journey: The Beginning

1 minute read


Let’s talk about the forever scroll! The endless stream of data that algorithms present to us on a platter. The happiness we derive from reaching a certain like count. The sadness of feeling alone amidst a crowd of friends.

These are the challenges that modern sapiens face today. Hence, I have decided to embark on my digital detox journey. My goal is not to completely disconnect from the internet but to find my own way of doing so, with minimal compromises.

This blog will serve as a record of my journey. I plan to start from the beginning of the internet and explore the tools available to prepare myself for this upcoming battle.

First and foremost, I am beginning my journey by distancing myself from social media, one platform at a time. I have decided to start with Instagram. Its addictive nature and time-consuming qualities make it a perfect starting point for my detox.

To replace the void left by Instagram, I have chosen to use RSS feeds. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows me to curate content from various sources and have it delivered to a single platform. It enables me to stay updated with the topics I’m interested in without being bombarded by distractions and algorithms.

If you’re unfamiliar with RSS feeds and want to learn more about them, you can check out my previous blog post here. It provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and setting up RSS readers.

I am fully aware that this journey will not be a smooth sailing experience. It will require me to invest my precious time in setting up these mechanisms and adjusting to a new way of consuming information. But I believe the benefits of a digital detox outweigh the temporary inconveniences.

Adieus to the mindless scrolling, and long live the revolution of reclaiming our time and attention!